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About Us


Namatanai Nudahat Association Inc.

NNA Inc. is a non government organization created in 2022 constituting of members from varied professions. The organization is committed to delivering basic services to the people of Namatanai District, New Ireland Province on one hand and on the other hand, equally committed to ensuring the issues faced by the rural people in Namatanai are efficiently brought to the public authority(s) concerned and ensure that they are dealt with properly and efficiently. We are an ISSUE driven organization committed to getting the issues resolved swiftly for the betterment of the people of Namatanai District and the region at large, in certain matters of interest.

Our Vision

We envision a community that has access to basic services that improves the quality of life and is a desirable place in which to live in and enjoy the benefits of family, friends and community.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of life and sense of community in Namatanai through advocating for basic services and support initiatives that benefit the greater good of the community.

Our Values

In NNA Inc, our values remain steadfast. In order to achieve our vision and mission, we value integrity, fairness, respect, cooperation and a sense of community. 

Our Executives

Meet our executives

Mikael Herry

Vice President

Mohu Moana
